The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 49: Update XLVI - Featuring: Emel thinking the ISDF are idiots

Update XLVI - Featuring: Emel thinking the ISDF are idiots

Music: Ladyin - Spiral Ruins

The next floor has our first Dragonsbane Wall of the dungeon.

Even the walls have turned blue.

...Shit, if they stuck with Bloom I could have called it a Blue-m Wall.

There's a flying dragon just behind that pillar.

Having to waste a turn before a dragon shows up is so nice.

Wounded Huntsman: I was attacked by a monster, and now I can't move my arm...

This is the only actual person in the Ruins. Every other marker led to a cat.

Holy shit a new dragon!

With a telegraphed move to boot!

A... telegraphed defense buff???

I mean, sure, it cuts physical damage by 80%.

But get out with that weak shit.

Beyond that, it has a roll that inflicts Bleed and a rock cannon that inflicts Skill Seal.

For comparison, the second last floor in the original Ladyin was 72m deep before going to the base floor, meaning we've somehow gone higher than Ladyin's actual entrance back in 12000 BC.

Either there was a lot of Ladyin we didn't get a chance to see last time, or the damn thing has grown between then and now.

For whatever reason, the dragon guarding this wall is on the near side.

Oh, because it leads directly to the exit.

A cutscene starts up by the save and exit points.

Music: Ignith of the Final Attack (code:VFD Ver)

Hm? Are you finished already?

Please, my sister... Please... stop...

Okay, when the fuck did Haze have time to go eat the soulcannon from 7D1?

Also, Emel shot Nyala with it, not Haze, but that's more from a poor translation. The original JP line has Haze use 'us' as in the dragons as a whole.

Still no fucking clue how 7D1 plays out without Nyala running the invasion.

Why...? Why do you have that!?

The entropy of weapons is especially delicious... So I ate it. To think one thousand cattle perished to make this cannon... Hah... Hyahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You make me laugh! No matter how many lives you sacrifice, you will never be able to defeat me! You are nothing but mere scraps left over after our feast! Heh... Hyahahahahahaha!

Big words from the woman who tried to sacrifice all mankind in the soulcannon after it didn't do enough damage.

The hatred of my sister... is flowing into me... No... My sister... Stop... Any more...

You know, I don't think Aytel has a single line in this game that doesn't end like this...

Ki...ll... Kill, kill, kill...

Congratulations, Emel!

You hated dragons so hard it killed your sister.

Music: None

Emel's signal is now completely gone... The only readings we're getting from the top of the tower are... two True Dragons...

Tch... Two of 'em at the same time... That'll be tough, even for you guys.

Music: Endless Attack Cycle

Teeheehee~! I hope you didn't forget about me~. Unit 13, here is your new weapon, as promised~!

When I activate the device, it'll reverse the heat exchange processes at a specific point. To put it simply, it'll drag Haze back into its prison. It's still incomplete, but if we're lucky... it should be able to hinder Haze's movement a bit.

I do not quite understand the effect... but it sounds as though it will be effective against Haze. You can trust anything that comes from Sailas. Please be sure to put it to good use.

Unit 13, Haze has yet to completely break free from its seal. You'll have a chance to win if you use that device and limit its movement. Once you weaken Haze enough, you should be able to seal it within the Dragonslayer once again.

Now, 2020-II explains that Dragonslayers are a bit of a one-off type of deal, which is why we have to reseal Haze instead of just stabbing him with the Atlantis Dragonslayer.

The problem is that this is never mentioned in VFD itself, so it comes off as Opal wanting the biggest Dragonslayer collection in the land.

... Well then, let us head over once we are prepared!

Music: Ladyin - Spiral Ruins

There are three dragons left on the floor, including a flyer directly under this bridge.

The final dragon is barely visible in the top right.

It was so far away, in fact, that it took several turns to break in.

Sorta funny how, despite Emel getting flagged as a True Dragon now, the map only lists one dragon left because we're obviously not fighting both right away.

Team 1 got to kill Nyala, so its only fair that Team 2 gets Haze.

I make sure to give everyone Death and Burn resists.

Music: Ignith of the Final Attack (code:VFD Ver)

Oh dear.

Why...? What is happening... to my body...? Hrngh...

That specific portrait isn't in the artbook so you're getting normal never mind i just ripped it from the game god i love technology

Why the worry? You should take pride in this transformation. You have finally ascended to a new horizon...

I do like this little reversal from Haze here. He's gone from mocking Emel to actually being a bit respectful to a potential...

What would you call two True Dragons? Family? Colleagues? Besties?

Ah... Ahhhhhh!

So, you choose to deny it. Very well. You shall pay for ridiculing me if you do not wish to join me. You shall make a nice meal!

Nrgh... Hrahhhhhh!


Commander Emel!

It seems... we were too late.


C-Commander...? What are you saying...?

Oh look!


A perfectly timed way to take Yuma out of the fight so Unit 13 has to deal with Haze on their own!

What is the meaning of this?

I... must kill... all dragons... Kill...!

It's no use... She has completely lost her sense of self! It seems she can no longer even distinguish between human and dragon...!

How many are there inside of you!?

Yuma! Do not listen to her!

You have lost your mind.

I'll kill you... I must kill... all dragons...

Imbecile! Do not lose your head, Yuma! Shit... I need to follow Yuma! Unit 13, take care of Haze!

Mr. Entropy Reverser, activate~!

Hrghhh! What... is this... feeling...? My body feels... heavy...!?

It's working! Now, Unit 13~!

Next time: Inoue goes sicko mode.